Etsy Creators Partner with AeroGarden to Boost Small Business Saturday Herb Garden Sales

Partnership Announcement

Etsy creators and AeroGarden, a leading indoor gardening company, have joined forces to maximize sales of herb gardens on Small Business Saturday. This collaboration aims to provide a platform for Etsy creators to showcase their unique herb garden products and boost their visibility and sales 1.

Benefits of AeroGarden for Small Businesses

AeroGarden offers a self-contained gardening system that is ideal for beginners. This innovative technology allows users to grow fresh herbs indoors, regardless of their gardening experience or the available space. With AeroGarden, herbs can flourish in any setting, from apartments to larger homes 1.

The efficiency and simplicity of AeroGarden make it an attractive option for individuals who want to start their herb gardens without the hassle of traditional gardening. The technology provides optimal growing conditions, including controlled lighting, nutrients, and water supply. This ensures that herbs grow three times faster than they would outdoors 1.

Importance of Small Business Saturday for Etsy Creators

Small Business Saturday holds significant importance for Etsy sellers. It is a day dedicated to supporting local businesses and promoting their unique products. The partnership with AeroGarden presents an opportunity for Etsy creators to reach a broader customer base and increase their sales during this important shopping event 1.

By leveraging the popularity and convenience of AeroGarden, Etsy creators can tap into the growing demand for indoor gardening and offer customers a convenient solution for growing fresh herbs at home. This partnership enables Etsy sellers to stand out during Small Business Saturday and attract new customers who are interested in gardening and sustainable living 1.

Advantages of Growing Herbs with AeroGarden

Compared to traditional gardening methods, AeroGarden offers several advantages for growing herbs. The controlled environment provided by AeroGarden ensures optimal lighting, humidity, and nutrient levels. This results in faster and healthier herb growth, ultimately leading to higher quality herbs for customers 1.

The appeal of AeroGarden lies in its simplicity and convenience. With minimal effort and expertise required, users can easily grow a variety of herbs indoors throughout the year. This accessibility and convenience make AeroGarden a suitable choice for individuals who may not have access to outdoor gardening spaces or who want to enjoy fresh herbs year-round 1.

The partnership between Etsy creators and AeroGarden opens up new market opportunities for both parties. Etsy creators can offer unique herb garden products that cater to the increasing demand for indoor gardening solutions, while AeroGarden can expand its customer base by showcasing handmade, artisanal herb gardens created by talented Etsy sellers 1.

Small Business Saturday presents a valuable occasion for Etsy creators to showcase their products and gain exposure. By capitalizing on the AeroGarden partnership, Etsy sellers can boost their sales during this important shopping event and strengthen their position within the growing market of indoor gardening 1.

As the partnership between Etsy creators and AeroGarden unfolds, both companies have the potential to benefit greatly. AeroGarden can enhance its product offerings by incorporating the creativity and craftsmanship of Etsy creators, while Etsy sellers can maximize their sales and reach a wider customer base through the established reputation and distribution channels of AeroGarden 1.

Overall, the collaboration between Etsy creators and AeroGarden promises exciting opportunities for both parties. With Small Business Saturday just around the corner, the partnership aims to boost sales of herb gardens while promoting the beauty and convenience of indoor gardening 1.


  1. 20 tips for growing a thriving herb garden. Yardbarker. Retrieved on November 18, 2021.


1.20 tips for growing a thriving herb garden

2.Building a better indoor herb garden | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

3.How to Grow a Hydroponic Herb Garden: A Complete Guide